
Everybody is free to support Alda financially. All donations are used to strengthen the association and further its goals. The purpose of the donations is to be able to maintain a flourishing operation all year round.

Donation from one donor that are higher than 250.000 ISK annually are discussed by the board and are only approved if it is clear that the donor shares Alda’s objectives or it is in some other way certain that the donation will not in any way influence the policies or the objectives of the association. Further information can be found in Alda’s bylaws regarding finances here.

At present the simplest thing to do is to make a bank transfer to the associations bank account. Regular small donations will help the association continue regular operations.


Bank information

International transactions:

You can make an international banktranfer to donate to Alda. The details are as follows:


IBAN: IS180301260113284306131380


Transactions within Iceland:

If you already have a bank account in Iceland, you can easily donate to Alda using that.

The national identification number (kennitala) of the association is: 430613-1380

Bank account: 1110-26-000147