Chapter I. Purpose and Goals

Art 1 
The association is named Alda – an association about sustainable democracy. Its venue is in Reykjavík.

Art 2
 The association shall fight for democracy and sustainability both home and abroad, within and outside companies and everywhere else where it is felt that a democratic reform is needed. The association shall also fight for economic and social reform that supports and strengthens democracy and increases social participation. The association shall co-operate with entities such as governments, institutions, companies and individuals to accomplish its goals.

Chapter II. Members

Art 3
 Everybody can become a full member of Alda if they so wish, since they share the ideals of the association. If children under the age of fifteen seek to join the association the board of the association shall evaluate each case individually.

Chapter III. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Art 4
 An AGM (Annual General Meeting) shall be held annually somewhere between September 15th and October 15th. The meeting shall be announced at least ten days in advance on Alda’s website and by e-mailing all members.

Art 5
 The schedule of the association’s AGM shall be the following:

1. Electing a moderator
2. The board’s report
3. Accounts submitted
4. Discussions about the board’s report and the accounts
5. Legislative amendments
6. Elections for an election committee
7. Elections for a board
8. Other topics

The electoral roll at the AGM shall include all registered members at the time of the vote. An election committee of three members shall oversee the implementation of the election for the board. It’s possible to make a proposal for members of the election committee that is considered accepted if no one opposes it. If it’s opposed randomization shall be used to choose an election committee from the members attending the AGM.

The approval of the AGM is needed to change the schedule. The association must receive legislative amendments at least five days before the AGM and they must be presented at Alda’s website. Proposals that are presented at the AGM shall be taken into review if the AGM approves or if seven members support the proposal. This clause does not limit the authority the AGM has to change proposals that have already been submitted.

All elections at the AGM shall be binding and in writing if that is requested. In general elections shall be concluded by the raising of hands and a simple majority dictates the outcome. Candidacies for the board must be received at least five days before the AGM and they must be presented at Alda’s website at least four days before the AGM.

Chapter IV. The Board

Art 6
 The board shall consist of 5 members, each a member of Alda. If requested at AGM by at least 20 members, two additional members are added to the board, each selected at random from Alda’s members, but if not requested, the random selection does not occur. Members can opt out of the randomization process beforehand. The newly elected board shall perform the randomization after the AGM. Randomization shall be used to even out any gender imbalance in the board if necessary. Board members are the spokespeople of the association and responsible for its operation. The board shall be elected in writing. The board members are elected from the members of Alda and the board divides tasks between the board members. If three or more board members resign between AGMs a general meeting shall be called where there is an election for the same number of board members as the number of board members that have resigned. The exception is that this is not necessary if there are 30 days or less until it’s possible to announce the next AGM.

Art 7 a The board of Alda manages the association’s affairs between AGMs and general meetings. The board is bound by the bylaws of the association, charters of the AGM and the general meetings, depending on the situation. 
Board meetings shall be held as often as is deemed necessary. A board meeting shall be announced with at least a two-day notice. If two or more board members request it a board meeting shall be called. All board meetings will be open to all members and all members shall have the freedom to speak and to come with a proposal at board meetings. Members can ask to join a board meeting on request. During board meetings all present members can vote, and a simple majority dictates the outcome. The board shall also make sure a record is kept of the board meetings that tells of all proceedings during the meeting. Members have the right to read the record of board meetings.

Art 7 b  Any board member who is present at a board meeting has the authority to refer the decisions of the board meeting to a general meeting, when he thinks the decision is in violation of the charters of the society. Then the decision will not come into force until after it’s been approved in a general meeting, and if it’s not approved it expires. A general meeting shall be held within two weeks. Should five or more society members request a board meeting, this shall be granted. Society members can also insist that a certain issue will be discussed during a board meeting.

Art 8
 The board of the association shall endeavour to take care of any sort of operation that is likely to strengthen the society and further its cause. To accomplish this, the board is permitted to hire individuals or legal entities, for payment, to perform tasks, either for short term or long term, to perform one task or many tasks. The board shall make decisions on such hirings and termination thereof.

Chapter V. General Meetings

Art 9 
If eight members ask for a general meeting the board must announce a meeting within two weeks. For such an ask to be valid, the members have to have been members of Alda for at least six weeks at the time of asking. The members who ask for a board meeting should state in their request which issues should be addressed and include requests for possible speakers, location or other relevant issues. The board is bound by the requests of the members unless the requests have obvious deficiencies or if it’s impossible to comply to them. Both the board and members, other then those who requested the meeting, can ask for other issues to be discussed at the meeting. Those requests should be made with sufficient notice.

Art 10
 General meetings should start with the election of a moderator and if necessary a secretary. The role of moderator should vary between members as much as possible.

Chapter VI. Access to Meetings

Art 11 All meetings of the association shall be accessible to as many as possible. Special considerations should be taken of any possible disability, illness or language differences. The board member or group leader who calls for the meeting should make all appropriate measures to increase access to the meeting. He/she should see to it that the meeting is at a place that is accessible to those of reduced mobility and acceptable assistance is available to those that need it. At the start of every meeting the language of the meeting should be voted for, with the consideration that as many people as possible can take part in both the discussions and the decision-making process. The meeting should be interpreted if that is requested and if it’s possible to grant that request.

Chapter VII. Resolution about Financial Issues

Art 12  Alda is authorized to receive financial donation from local or foreign individuals or legal entities, for operations and activities of the association. If Alda receives a donation from an unknown individual the donation should be given to a charity organization in accordance to the board’s decision, if the donation is higher then 10.000 ISK and if it’s impossible to know who the donor is. The same applies if the total amount of donations from unknown donors reaches 10.000 ISK annually.

Art 13 a It is permissible to accept specific donations of up to 750.000 ISK annually (or any amount equal to this) from a single donor, be it an individual or a legal entity. Acceptance of higher donations is only allowed if it’s clear that the donor shares Alda’s objectives or it is in some other way certain that the donation will not in any way influence the policies or the objectives of the association. The board shall always discuss such donations or call a general meeting to discuss them. Donation over 2.500.000 ISK will always need the approval of a general meeting. When a maximum amount is evaluated an individual and limited companies he’s connected to are counted together. Discounts, debt forgiveness and all other transfer of valuables shall be considered donations in this context.

Art 13 b It is permissible to accept generic donations from the general public or legal entities, up to overall 2.500.000 ISK each year in total of such donations. Donations are only considered generic if the general public and Alda’s members can all donate to Alda in an accessible way, for instance via Alda’s website. Maximum amount each individial can make every year shall be 500.000 ISK (or equal amount). The board does not need to discuss such donations each time.

Art 13 c It shall be permissible to accept payments for tasks performed by the association, as well as grants made to the association and the board has accepted to apply for from funds. There shall be no maximum amount for such grants or payments, but the board shall discuss and agree each time if such grants or payments are of acceptable amount.

Art 14  Members shall always have access to information regarding donors of the association, the form of the donation and its value. Alda shall also publish publicly a list of donors and the value of donations.

Art 15  Alda’s accounts should be prepared in a clear and concise manner. In them the total amount of donation should be stated. There should also be stated donations that do not impact the accounts of the association, such as liquid assets or other gifts that is hard to quantify as financial valuables. The annual accounts should include a list of all donors.

Art 16  If there is a surplus from Alda’s operations it should be moved into the associations funds. If the association is liquidated all financial assets should be given away to charity organizations. Reusable liquid assets should be reused.

Art 17  Alda’s board is responsible for the financial affairs of the association. The legal treasurer shall consult with other board members on payments. The treasurer shall be the keeper of invoices and related documents. During board meetings all incoming and outgoing financial transactions shall be outlined.

This is a translation of the association’s bylaws from Icelandic, and is as such only presented for informational purposes.